14: 5 Life Lessons From 2018 And How To Apply Them To Your Life


It’s that special time of the year to look back, reflect on your year, and set your sights towards the next year ahead.

I experienced a lot of changes this year: my marriage, major business decisions, and moving for the time being to Florida. Through these many transitions, I’ve learned:

  1. Life is short but the longest thing we’ll ever do. Eat good food, spend more time with loved ones, and never pass up a good adventure.
  2. You can influence almost anything, you control almost nothing.
  3. The greatest awareness is self-awareness.
  4. I connect far more with people over our vulnerabilities and vices than I do our victories. Victories are short lived. The battle over our vices and vulnerabilities rages everyday and this is why it’s so much easier to connect with others.
  5. Relationships are for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

My hope is that these takeaways will help you head into the new year with grace, vision, purpose, and energy.

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A Few More Podcasting Benefits

Check it out and then schedule a FREE strategy call with him at the bottom of that page.