Most personal brands are plagued by LACK in these 3 areas:
- Platform
- Publicity
- Profits
If you make less than $100,000 a year in your personal brand business you need to keep reading this message. Let’s get real.
This is like your doctor saying you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and are overweight. On the outside you might feel fine. Day-to-day it might not even seem like anything is wrong other than needing a few extra notches on the belt…
…but take one peek on the inside and you’ll see you’re a mess.
The 3 plagues of platorm, publicity, and profits go hand-in-hand to attack the health and vitality of your business. They enable each other.
When you have a platform problem (meaning no content, and thus no database of customers) you enable the publicity problem because you have nothing to promote.
Sadly, most people think that “being great” or landing that one “great client” is enough to overcome the publicity problem. Nope.
Have You Fallen Prey to the “Great Babysitter Trap”?
I don’t have kids but I’ve seen firsthand how my sister and brother-in-law act when they find a great babysitter:
They don’t tell a soul.
When a company hires you and you do a great job, you become their best-kept secret. They’re not going to tell their competition about you.
You still have a publicity problem — often in the form of a non-disclosure agreement!
Publicity simply means:
- People know who you are and,
- People talk about you
If you’re an ethical, high-quality business, publicity is a good thing. People tell me all the time — “Mike, I don’t do any marketing. All my leads are from referrals!”
Please stop wearing the “referrals-only revenue” as a badge of honor.
If I told my old company where I was CMO that my strategy was going to be “referrals-only” I would have been fired immediately. That’s nonsense.
When you have no platform or publicity, you settle for low-tier clients and paltry fees because you need profit. That keeps you from having time to build your platform or publicity.
It’s as if you’re covering your own mouth while hoping others will hear about you.
In an upcoming post, I’m going to show you how to take the first step in addressing the 3 plagues of platform, publicity, and profit. If you’re not making $100,000+ a year in your personal brand … then I strongly recommend you watch for the next post like a hawk.
It’s going to be free. There’s no opt-in wall. I’m going to show to you, in the post, how to take the first step to cure the 3 plagues. I’m also going to tell you the most common lie people tell me when I ask about the health of their business.
Yes, I’m in a mood but that’s because I’m on mission to help you fix this.
I had no idea so many people were struggling with this stuff. So, if you’re open-minded enough to hear the hard truth and hard-working enough to take action…
The next article I write will help you. For now, do two things:
- Download the “Brand Identity Discovery Worksheet” below,
- Leave a comment below and tell me how busienss is really going.
I want this to be a conversation, not a broadcast. If you take the time to write, I’ll make the time to read it and respond.
FREE DOWNLOAD: Brand Identity
Discovery Worksheet
Grab the exact worksheets I use in my private workshops to help you
gain clarity on the 3 identites of your brand.