12: Facebook Ads or Google Ads? How To Know Which One Your Business Should Use with Joseph Bojang


Joseph Bojang’s kids would say he’s the best dancer in the world, but he says his best moves are creating PPC and Facebook ad campaigns that actually help businesses make money.

Joseph and I spent a few months in a mastermind group together, and I just knew that one day the time would come when he and I would work together. That time is now.

Recently I took on a very large client contract and needed someone to steer the ship right when it came to Facebook and Google advertising. Joseph was my guy, and the results have been nothing short of amazing: a 90% decrease in spend for leads, way higher opt-in rates, and a happier client.

I had to bring Joseph onto the podcast to track this journey I’m on with him in real-time. You may not do a lot of online advertising yet, but this episode is here to help you get some initial insight on how these platforms work. A few questions I asked Joseph in this interview:

  • “How can a business or brand know whether Google Adwords or Facebook Ads is best for them?”
  • “What are the elements that make a Google Ads campaign successful?”
  • “When you are running a campaign, how do you determine the budget?”
  • “What’s your process of creating search ads?”
  • “What are some of the biggest mistakes you see in Google Ad campaigns?”

FREE RESOURCE: Facebook vs Google Ads: Which Should You Use To Grow Your Business in 2019

Joseph’s website: https://webchamps.net/

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If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Danny Ozment. Here’s an article he wrote about the benefits of podcasting:

A Few More Podcasting Benefits

Check it out and then schedule a FREE strategy call with him at the bottom of that page.