2015 was a great year for the Brand You Podcast! There was significant growth in listenership and I feel the quality of the content went to another level. I attribute this to two simple things:
- listener feedback
- guest interviews
So whether you’re new to the show, an avid listener, or somewhere in between these are the top 5 episodes based on downloads and feedback.
Ep. 33 – How To Position Yourself as an Authority When Starting Out
If you’re going through a career pivot into a new line of work, its understandable to feel a bit apprehensive of projecting yourself as an expert. Maybe you feel you don’t have enough experience, connections, or know-how. This episode touches on how to navigate all that, and do it in a strategic and efficient way. Listen here.
Ep. 39 – Course, Coach, or Consultant? How To Know Which To Invest In
This topic resonated strongly with listeners, so much that David Knoop left a review about this one episode.
In this episode I share my personal philosophy regarding courses, coaches, and consultants and when to invest in them. So many people in the online world spend a fortune on courses when they really should have hired a coach. Others invest in coaches when they should have hired a consultant. Listen to this episode here.
Ep. 49 – My One Page Productivity Plan
Ever experience “mission drift” when it comes to your personal brand? Well, so do I. That’s why I started using this simple one-page productivity plan, and shared it during this episode. This can take as little as ten minutes to complete, but it’s effect is undeniable.
This episode contains a template to my plan, and it was the most downloaded content off the podcast this year. Listen here.
Ep. 43 – So, I Quit My Day Job To Become an Entrepreneur
2016 was the year I ‘made the leap’ to become a full-time entrepreneur. It was a long process, full of ups and downs, and I share the full story in this episode.
If you’re looking to make the leap, tune into this episode. There may be some insights you can apply to your own journey. Listen here.
Ep. 62 – How To Price Your Fees and Services with Kirk Bowman
I did a good number of interviews this year, but this one takes the cake. It doesn’t matter if you feel you understand pricing, you must listen to this episode with Kirk Bowman of the Art of Value podcast. I personally learned so much from this talk. Even John Meese, a successful consultant (whose blog you should absolutely subscribe to) said this to me:
I am dead serious … do not skip this episode. It is invaluable. Listen here.
Thank you for being a listener of the Brand You Podcast!
Your reviews, comments, and shares are so appreciated, but what I find most rewarding is to see people take action on the concepts and tactics we discuss on the show. It’s humbling to see people implement change and transformation.
Have a question you’d like me to answer on a future episode?
I take questions here but you can feel free to skip that step and just comment below. Make sure to leave your website so I can backlink to it if we cover your topic on the podcast! Hope you enjoy these episodes!