Honor Your Leader: an excerpt from He Who Honors Me
This month is my turn to submit a blog entry for the EF Generation Team that I serve on, so I thought I’d share an excerpt from my upcoming book, He Who Honors Me: Keeping God at the Center of Worship Leading which I wrote with Derek Joseph of Isaiah Six. There’s a lot more […]
LIVE RECORDING – July 29-31, 2010!!
It’s official: we’re doing our next live recording this summer, this time right at my home church in Manchester, CT!! I’m really excited about this project because 1. it’s going to be atomic with our home church people there worshiping and 2. we’re going to be able to do a lot more original songs than […]
He Who Honors Me – my first book!
Well, it’s been over a month since posting a blog but it hasn’t been because I’ve been away from my computer. Actually, I’ve been on it non-stop finishing my first book, He Who Honors Me: Keeping God at the Center of Worship Leading! It was actually the idea of a friend of mine, Derek Levendusky. […]
Deeper: A Night of Worship/Manchester United
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSIwhAS6U_A&hl=en_US&fs=1&] Ever since moving to Manchester, CT a few years ago, I haven’t been able to shake the phrase “Manchester United.” (I don’t follow soccer but I know enough to know Manchester United is a famous soccer team.) What really struck me about the phrase though is that it reflected my heart for the churches […]
Before the Throne of God Above (live worship)
Here’s another (very raw) video from the Vision Conference, Before the Throne of God Above. Our violin player Kendra wasn’t able to make the conference (it’s sounds really cool with her playing) but we managed nonetheless. To go off on sort of a tangent, one of the things I really enjoy about leading worship for […]