16: How To Deal With Pain, Loss, and Grief


Experiencing pain, loss, or grief sucks (that’s an understatement), yet it’s a normal part of life. In this episode I share some hard-learned lessons on moving through pain, loss, and grief.

Pain + Reflection = Progress

One of the most important capabilities you can develop in life is the ability to reflect on pain rather that react or avoid it. Most people can’t reflect on their pain while they are going through it. They focus so much on the pain that they aren’t able to consider what is happening, why they ended up in this situation, or how they are processing the pain.

Once the pain subsides, they simply move onto something else and never really address the core issues. They medicate, or cope, or distract themselves because it’s too painful to go back and address the core issue.

Here are 5 things I’ve learned in the school of hard knocks when it comes to managing and processing pain in order to produce progress:

  1. Go to the pain rather than avoiding it.
  2. Write a psalm to God.
  3. Just do the next right thing.
  4. Stop running your tongue over your gums where the tooth used to be.
  5. Ask, “What does this make possible?”

If you are going through a difficult time right now, please don’t hesitate to reach out to friends and family. To isolate yourself is often the worst decision you can make when experiencing tremendous pain, loss, and grief.

If I can be of help, ping me directly via Instagram at @mikekimtv or email me at mike@mikekim.com.


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A Few More Podcasting Benefits

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