How To Steal Time For Self-Development


You might have more time for self-development than you think. During my corporate job days (before I started my own business), I had to commute to work five days a week for nearly two hours. That’s ten hours a week, the equivalent of almost a day and a half of a full work day!

Instead of listening to sports radio (which I started to dub, “Gossip for men”), I started tuning into a number of podcasts and audio books. This was instrumental in helping me launch and grow a successful business.

I still make it a point to find pockets of time to chip away at reading books. Every Sunday, my iPhone gives me a report of my “screen time” and I often wonder how many of those hours a week are spent mindlessly scrolling through social media rather than using that time more productively. I’m not perfect, but I try.

Richard Larson at MIT conducted a study and found the average person will spend two full years worth of time waiting in line. (Depressing, I know.) To redeem that utter waste of precious life, consider reading on your phone (or at least listening to an audiobook or good podcast) while in the waiting room for an appointment, standing in line for coffee, or anywhere else you can. I’ve finished reading or listening to entire books this way. You’d be surprised how much time you can steal.

Imagine having a few hours a week for intake and self-development. Chances are you already might.

Question: Where can you find hidden time for self-development?