OUTLOUD 2011 in Hartford, CT May 6-7!


Hey everyone, just wanted to get the word out on a conference (www.outloudconference.com) we are hosting at my church May 6-7, 2011. We’ve made this 2 day conference ultra-cheap. High quality, low-price! I also want to stress that this is a conference for WORSHIPERS, not just worship musicians or leaders. Worship isn’t a show, it’s a community event centered on the presence of God. There will be things that apply to worship leaders and teams, but if you just flat-out love the presence of God by all means come! You won’t feel left out, I promise. If you have any questions email us at mikekimmusic@gmail.com or call our office (860) 648-0520. Hope to see you at OUTLOUD 2011!

OUTLOUD 2011 is a conference founded and launched with a vision to equip the church in New England and the Northeast U.S. in deep worship. Why another conference? We believe this one will be different. There are 3 tenets OUTLOUD 2011 is based on:

1. LOCAL CHURCH. We’ve enlisted the help of some great worship leaders and speakers that have a ton of local church experience. We didn’t want to just bring in a great traveling worship artist or band even though our speakers also have extensive experience on the road. We were looking for people that could lend their expertise to your local church situation. To sum up point #1, we wanted this conference to be from the church, for the church. Check out our speaker page–you’ll see why these folks are going to give you tremendous insight that you’ll be able to apply to you and your church.

2. PRIORITIZING THE PRESENCE OF GOD. We could all use “more God” in our worship gatherings. None of us are against great programs or curriculums, so you won’t hear any baby-out-with-the-bathwater rhetoric here. What we are after is a shift from running a service to hosting His presence. We’ll talk about how we can allow God to show up and show off when we gather to worship.

3. IMPARTATION. Conferences are often heavy on information and light on impartation. And though information is great, something really special happens when people pray with each other, leaders connect, and churches unite. We want to pray for you, and we want you to pray for us. And we’re all going to ask our good heavenly Father for refreshing, anointing, and vision to make His church glorious in the Northeast U.S.

–Mike Kim