LIVE RECORDING 2010 – day zero


I call today (or yesterday to be official, but I mean Tuesday July 27, 2010) “day zero” for this week’s live recording since the preparations have started but we haven’t begun live tracking yet. Tuesdays are generally long days as we start the week at the office with a one-hour prayer meeting from 8:00-9:00 a.m. At 9:00 the pastors meet for our own prayer meeting, and from 9:30 to about noon we have our staff meetings. There was a lot to talk about because this was the first week our entire pastoral staff has been back together for awhile, and there was also alot on the plate with the recording going on this week.

In the afternoon Nate Hinton (a former intern of mine) arrived from Lima, NY to help with this week’s festivities, and later on our live engineers Scott Pergande and Dave Goetter arrived. Scott and Dave are from the Mix House studio in Boise, ID and do lots of live tracking, studio tracking, and are top-notch at mixing, mastering, and know just about everything there is to know about Idaho potatoes and Boise State athletics. They are some of my favorite people on Earth…I just wish we didn’t have to do a major recording project everytime we wanted to see each other! All work and no (or very little) play!

Our final rehearsal for this week was tonight. To keep things light, Pastor Eric Peoples fired off about 12 Chuck Norris jokes before we started rehearsal. Seriously. The hit joke of the night was that Chuck Norris once strangled someone with a cordless phone. After we recovered from that one, the team went over some songs (our younger guys rehearsed late into the night) and I can’t help but feel how powerful this project is going to be. The songs, the different anointings our worship leaders carry, the heart and skill of our musicians, and the spiritual hunger of the people is going to be a potent combination in this project coming together. The growth that has taken place since our last recording is evident. The Scripture the Lord put on my heart for this week is out of Isaiah 66:1.

1 This is what the LORD says:
“Heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my footstool.
Where is the house you will build for me?
Where will my resting place be?

My prayer is that this week in worship, our response to the Lord as both individuals and His church would be “Dwell in our churches, let them once again be known as places that host Your presence! Dwell in our hearts, let them be a habitation fit for You!” A long day awaits tomorrow with setup and room prep. Kent Henry arrives tomorrow and we kick things off for the recording during our church’s mid-week service with Kent leading worship. If you are on the fence about attending one or all of the session this week, come on out! It’s going to be amazing. 7:00 p.m. each night from Wednesday-Friday July 28-30 and Saturday morning July 31 at 10:30 a.m. at CLG. Stay tuned for the day one recap (sleep willing) tomorrow!