Hawaii, Feeling Heard,
and My New Name


I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be heard.

Not just listened to, but truly heard.

Just two weeks ago my family pulled off an epic vacation in Hawaii. It was the first trip to Hawaii for everyone in the group except for me (my second). Just look at these shi*-eating grins LOL:

My mother bought non-Hawaiian Hawaii shirts for like $8 total for the adults but dropped $40 on t-shirts for the kids because you know, adult children are chopped liver compared to grandkids.

(Mom, if you’re reading this –– they’re gonna outgrow them in like three weeks. Come on, bro.)

On this trip, I was officially christened “Funcle” by my nephews, which stands for “Fun Uncle.” This is indeed an accurate description of me.

The kids would repeatedly shout, “FUNCLE! LOOK AT US!” and zoom down the water slide headfirst on their backs. This is an illegal move and they absolutely got my attention.

I ended up going down water slides with the kids more times than I can count. It was great to spend time with the little meatbags and if they’d start acting up, I could easily say, “Go now to my younger sister, who is your mother.”

Then I’d head to adult quiet pool, pull up to the bar, and down a Mai-tai. My duty is to stay fun. Funcle is not fun when dealing with cranky, fighting nephews.

This all reminded me of the things humans will do for a little acknowledgment.

It’s a basic human need. One of the worst kinds of neglect is to go unheard, unnoticed.

I believe that many of the world’s problems — and some of our personal struggles — stem from this feeling of invisibility.

We want to be seen, known, valued. When we aren’t, we feel it deeply. My nephews s just wanted to be seen and heard. We’re not so different as adults.

If you’re in the business of helping others speak up, tell their story, to podcast, write, YouTube, or create –– keep at it.

You do more than help people with “marketing,” you’re helping them meet a basic need.

If you’re in process of doing some of those things for yourself –– keep at it.

You’re not arrogant, insecure, or begging for validation.

You’re just human.


This fall, I’ve blocked several dates to host trainings on some all-new stuff!!

I’m pumped and the first of these takes place next Thursday, Sept. 12th with Jennifer Ternay. Jen and I are in a mastermind together and she’s going to bring some insights on how to break into fractional executive work.

We’ll keep this super low-key so you can register for our Zoom meeting here:

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The goal is, of course, to share what we’ve learned about becoming a Trusted Advisor, commanding premium fees, and ultimately enjoying more income and independence in your life.

(Just think twice before using that independence to fly down water slides.)

Personally, I’ve been doing fractional CMO work with 3-to-4 clients the past year and I look forward to unpacking my own experiences. Jen is a whiz when it comes to this stuff, so she’ll have plenty to share, too.

How to Break Into Fractional Executive Roles and Identify Great-Fit Clients
Thursday Sept. 12th
1pm ET / 12pm CT / 11am CT / 10am PT

Register on Zoom »

Mike J. Kim