Back in Boise – Day 1


Ok, so I’m back in Boise, ID (the city of trees) to start work on my church’s next worship album. If you missed the last album, A Greater Glimpse, go to my Bandcamp page and you can listen to it in it’s entirety. If you like it, you can purchase it right there or get it on iTunes by clicking here or searching “A Greater Glimpse.”

We don’t have a working title yet for this next project, and it likely won’t release until this fall but the way time is flying it will be here before we know it. I’m excited about this album because it will have a different feel to it as we’ll have more of a variety of worship leaders and styles. Today we go through all the tracks, figure out when a song starts and ends, and cleaning out parts. Live recordings can get pretty messy with all the mics and ghosting that happens on stage. From a musical standpoint, it’s horrifying what you hear in a recording when you solo certain channels! Any vocalists and musicians out there…one of the best things you can do to improve is listen to yourself and play or sing with intentionality. Just improvising your way through a song might be ok live, but on a recording it’s totally different. Every little thing matters.

Thus begins another week of work, but it’s a labor of love. I’m excited to help release the music and anointing carried by some of the younger worship leaders in my church. Please keep us in prayer for strength, creativity, and wisdom as tough decisions are made. One more prayer request…Quinton (electric guitarist) has no plans to shower this week. I think he believes it makes him play better and be more creative. Further support for my theory that electric guitarists are the most hygiene-challenged members of any band! Keep checking back here for updates along the way. Adios from Idaho for now.