1st Quarter Update 2012


I can’t believe it’s the end of March already! Iris and I are fully settled in NJ and the first quarter of 2012 has been filled with a lot of travel. It’s obvious that God arranged our calendar to be with lots of close friends…it’s felt like 3 straight months of family reunions, and seeing so many dear people has made the transition into this new season so smooth. It’s been amazing to spend time with so many great leaders and congregations.

Preaching-wise, I’ve been sharing some of my core-value messages: emphasizing the ministry of the Father, hosting God’s presence (Isaiah 66:1), mentoring young leaders, and honoring our call and gift.

The consulting I’ve done with a few ministries for church-wide strategies and infrastructure has gone well. I’m working on some e-books that centralize the things I share at those meetings. If there’s one thing I’ve missed while traveling, it’s building and leading an organization. I love the organizational leadership aspect of ministry, but for now it seems God has me on alot of planes, trains, and automobiles. I’ve also enjoyed preaching to youth again. I was a youth pastor for 3 years in my mid-20’s and have loved hanging with some great young people!

I got a few projects off the ground this quarter, finishing production on Church of the Living God’s third live worship album, More Than I Deserve. A few of my songs are on it so check it out on iTunes. Things are also gearing up for Outloud Conference, a worship event I’m coordinating this May. We have some great people coming in—register at www.outloudconference.com and join us!

Finally, one of the coolest things involves a song my friend Nate Cronk and I finished in January called Sing Hallelujah. It was a re-write of an old song…we changed everything except a few chorus lines. Nate taught it at his church The Father’s House and it went over really well. In February he traveled with his church to South Africa. Sing Hallelujah was one of the signature songs of their trip and was used at some of the most influential churches in Capetown. I don’t have a recording of it but I’ll do a simple YouTube vid sometime soon. Rumor has it that Nate will record the song for an upcoming project. Very cool.

Thanks for keeping up with what’s going on in our lives. I have a short break in April before things pick up again after Easter and culminate in the summer when I spend 4-6 weeks in Korea, Singapore, and the Philippines. You can keep up with us on Twitter @mikekimmusic or Facebook. Thanks for your prayers, everyone…we are grateful!