A few weeks back I made my first ever trip to Southeast Asia to hang with some great new friends from Church of Our Saviour in Singapore. It wasn’t exactly a quick journey…between flights and layovers it took about 30 hours (30 hours!) to get from Logan Airport in Boston to Changi Airport in Singapore. […]
Live Recording 2010 – final day WOW WOW WOW
This morning we had our last recording session for the week. Two of our younger worship leaders, Josh Frederich and Elijah Orbea led us in worship this morning. Josh has written some great new songs…his first tune Savior of Love actually got people clapping. (For those that don’t know, for some reason the people at […]
Live Recording 2010 – day three a.k.a the Day of Prophetic Worship
Can’t believe I’m still awake. Extremely tired and will not edit this post for typos so forgive me if I ramble which I tend to do when tired. I will write despite my fatigue because based on my blog stats, people are actually reading my blog (at least for this week). No little picture today […]
Live Recording 2010 – day two
About to retire for the evening after our first full day of recording today (Thursday July 29, 2010). We started the morning off laying down rehearsal takes on the songs on the list for later in the evening. Things went longer than expected (about 2.5 hours longer) but it was worth it. Our team is […]
Live Recording 2010 – day one
Today (Wednesday July 28th) we kicked off our week of worship during our regular mid-week service. The day was a long one, as the team and I rolled into the church around 10:00 a.m. and began the long and arduous task of setting the sound system and room up for a live recording. The unsung […]